10-day Gyrokinesis Level1-Cocoon 2_v2_fixed2_Website1.jpg

Learn the Principles of the movements and get the most out of the exercises of the official GYROKINESIS format 1


A series of 8 classes and 2 workshops is the ideal start for those who want to become familiar with the Gyrokinesis movement method as well as for movers of any kind and at any level who want to deepen into its therapeutic and exciting exercises.

In this 10-day program you will be able to learn most of the exercises of the 1st official GYROKINESIS® format, and of course the principles of the movements. You will also have the opportunity to expand your body awareness and improve some of your everyday postures & moves.

The method is ideal for "unlocking" the spine (neck, back, waist) so that the vital energy flows freely throughout the body, while at the same time is specialized in strengthening your core and increasing your range of motion and flexibility.

The SCHEDULE of the 10-day program comprises of 8 classes and 2 workshops:

  • 1st series of 4 classes: Beginning with exercises on stools – every Friday from 7/2/20 to 28/2/20 at 8-9:15pm

  • 1st workshop – Saturday 29/2/20 at 10:30am - 12:30pm

  • 2nd series of 4 classes: Exercises on mats – every Friday from 6/3/20 to 27/3/20 at 8-9:15pm

  • 2nd workshop – Saturday 28/3/20 at 10:30am - 1:00pm

Each class consists of 2 sections:

1st - deepening and guidance on the principles of balanced and healthy movement on the GYROKINESIS® exercises

2nd - exercises in flow

The workshops include all training material until that point in time, as well as useful guidance on everyday movements.

COST (of the full 10-day program):

  • Normal Price: 220€

  • Members of the Gyrokinesis group classes (non-regular): 170€

  • Members of the Gyrokinesis group classes (regular): 120€

VENUE: COCOON WELLNESS CENTRE (Athalassas avenue 130 (2nd floor, Apt.#201), Dasoupolis-Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus). Check the map.

For information about the GYROKINESIS® method, click here.


For any further details or to reserve your place to the 10-day program, please fill in the form below…



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