Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval is the most ancient and powerful practice which is timeless and used even in our days for the healing of the Soul.

It is the process of reintegrating the split-off aspects of one’s self. This split-off usually occurs due to a trauma that one has experienced in this life-time or a previous one. During heavy traumatic experiences, a part of our self or soul may flee or fracture, in an effort to hide and protect itself from the deep pain or fear. This fragment leaves the integrated soul and remains separated from our wholeness. It gets stuck in different times, space, realities, and generally in different parts of our psyche. This is also know as Soul Loss.

Soul Loss can be caused by:

  • Physical or Emotional abuse

  • Abandonment

  • Injury / War / Assault

  • Death of a loved one / Divorce

  • Near-death experience

  • Birth or Womb trauma

  • Personal Past Life Trauma

  • Intergenerational Trauma that has been passed on to us from our ancestors


It is very common that we unintentionally forget heavy traumas which we may have experienced in the past, because the self avoids looking back into these deep and painful experiences. However, there are ways that can help us to recognize if we have experienced a soul loss. The following can be some of the symptoms-hallmarks of Soul Loss:

  • Depression

  • Dysfunctional relationships

  • Trying hard without results

  • Feeling stuck / Inability to move forward

  • Feeling that something is always missing

  • Sense of separation

  • Inherent lack of self-awareness / Continuous feelings of being a victim

  • Vulnerability to diseases

  • Weak memory

The goal of Soul Retrieval is to fully integrate all aspects of ourselves.

Shamanic Healing or Soul Retrieval can be held only in private (1-to-1) sessions.

Price for Shamanic Healing: 120€ / hour (max 400€ if the session lasts long)

Price for Soul Retrieval: 330€ / hour (max 1000€ if the session lasts long)


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Private Sessions for Individuals (Upon Request)

Private sessions on ‘The Power of Breath’ can be tailored to the individual’s specific needs. These sessions have a deep healing or awakening purpose and focus on pure physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Their benefits are similar to the ones stated in the group sessions (see above) but the private sessions go even deeper and can heal deeply rooted traumas from the past.

Private sessions can be held either in-person (at the client’s or our place) or online.

Cost of a private session:

  • For 1,5 hour: 75€ In-person / 65€ Online

  • For 2 hours: 90€ In-person / 75€ Online

To book your session(s) or to learn more about pricing for more than one Private Sessions, open and fill out the form below.

Form of Interest

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