The Services that I Offer


[Photo Mahatma Gandhi “Γίνε η Αλλαγή που Θέλεις να Δεις στον Κόσμο”]

Κάθε βαθιά αλλαγή συμβαίνει μέσα από βιώματα γιατί αυτά εν-τυπώνονται στο υποσυνείδητο και όχι η γνωστική θεωρία. Όταν η θεωρία στηρίζεται στην εσώτερη α-λήθεια (άρση της λήθης) και γίνεται βιωματική πράξη τότε επέρχεται η αληθινή μεταμόρφωση!

Οι υπηρεσίες που προσφέρω (αν και έχουν θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο) είναι καθαρά βιωματικές:

  • παρέχουν θεραπεία στο σώμα και στην ενέργειά μας

  • στοχεύουν στην ενεργοποίηση του πλήρους δυναμικού μας

  • στηρίζονται σε 3 βασικούς άξονες:

    • Αναπνοή

    • Κίνηση

    • Διαλογισμός και εναλλακτικές καταστάσεις αντίληψης-συνείδησης

    • Σύνδεση του Ορατού με τον Αόρατο κόσμο…

Αναπνοή με τη μέθοδο BREATHING AWAKENING®

Η αναπνοή και τα μυστικά της σε τρεις βασικές κατηγορίες:

Συνειδητή Αναπνοή - Τεχνικές για ενδυνάμωση αναπνευστικού και ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος, περιορισμό του άγχους και των επαναλαμβανόμενων σκέψεων, για βαθιά χαλάρωση, ενεργοποίηση, καθαρισμό

Αναπνευστικός Διαλογισμός

Θεραπευτικές Αναπνοές

Deal with stress, release tension from the body and relax your mind from continuously repeated thoughts

  • Reinforce your respiratory and immune system (especially these days that we are under the threat of covid)

  • Increase your stamina and confidence levels

  • Improve digestion, metabolism and the body functions for self-cleansing and detoxification

  • Reduce inflammation and hypertension, clear asthma, congestion, sinus problems, deal with cardiovascular or pulmonary issues

  • Deal with anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and heal even past traumas which are deeply rooted into the subconscious

  • Enhance your memory, focus and learning processes

  • Sleep, relax and meditate deeper

  • Improve mood, elevate your energy levels and allow euphoric feelings to arise

  • Live longer and awaken your passion for life!

Breathwork which combines a variety of ancient breathing techniques with the science of today, guided meditation and specialized music. These techniques can have relaxing, energizing, deep awakening, transformational and healing results. They can lead to alternate states of consciousness and act as a ‘natural high’.

Κίνηση με τη Μέθοδο GYROKINESIS®

A unique movement method which strengthens, extends and revitalizes the entire body. Through undulating, circular, graceful dance-like movements, it promotes profound flexibility and develops core strength, releases the spine and joints, and increases the range of motion, resulting in an overall healthy and vibrant body.

Σύνδεση με την Πηγή με ΣΑΜΑΝΙΚΕΣ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΕΣ

Physical and energy exercises that strengthen intuition, insight and connection of the material world with energy. They provide the tools to experience daily life through a deeper and at the same time more broadened spectrum with enhanced awareness and expanded consciousness.

DANCE MEDITATION - Private & Group sessions

A symbolic dance while being in a meditative state, which helps to connect with our spirit and awaken the soul. Deep emotions emerge and are released in a creative and meaningful way. It is a naturally therapeutic and at the same time exciting way which can lead to ecstatic experiences.

MINDFULNESS & SELF AWARENESS - Private & Group sessions

Inspiring discussions which empower and help you to connect with your inner wisdom and feel totally present in the ‘here and now’. With reference on topics which connect practical life with spirituality, you learn how to deal with daily challenges that cause stress, frustration, anger, fear, sadness, inaction, etc.

Advanced practices which focus on the deep exploration and dealing of emotional and practical challenges that we face in our daily life, with increased awareness and unbreakable integrity. They aim to keep us totally present in the ‘here and now’ and act from our center, without being controlled by the painful past or the frustrating future.

MEDITATION: KEYS & PRACTICES - Private & Group sessions

Guided meditation techniques which help to connect with the inner wisdom, observe and strengthen internal mechanisms for desired outcomes. These sessions also provide the key elements to get deeper, faster and more efficiently in a meditative state. They are ideal for relaxing, centering and focus.

SHAMANIC JOURNEYS - Private & Group sessions

Deep internal journeys through which we have direct access to our own spiritual guidance by experiencing the self at a soul level. They provide the map and compass to explore our inner workings, to receive answers, to awaken our true creative potential and create harmony in our life.

SHAMANIC HEALING - Private sessions

The earliest practice known to humankind for deep healing also known as Soul Retrieval. It is a powerful spiritual practice, which focuses on the reintegration of the lost energy of the self due to a severe loss, illness or past trauma. It restores the alignment of body-mind-soul-spirit and brings back the sense of wholeness.

CONNECT WITH NATURE - Private & Group sessions

Several practices which focus on a deeper connection and interaction with our mother Earth, with the trees, plants and animals. Nature is the ideal place to find peace and harmony, to relax and meditate, as well as to feel more grounded, to awaken the senses and connect with our primitive/animal instincts.

To book a Private session in nature or to get information about the next Group session, send us your message at the bottom of the page.

Σκοπός μου είναι να παρέχω τις υπηρεσίες μου με τον αποτελεσματικότερο τρόπο για βαθιά μεταμόρφωση.

Εργάζομαι καθημερινά πάνω στη σύνδεση και εναρμόνιση σώματος-νου-πνεύματος-ψυχής. Χρησιμοποιώ πρακτικές που προσφέρουν εσωτερική γαλήνη, ισορροπία, ευδαιμονία και που μας φέρνουν πιο κοντά σε μια πιο συνειδητή και αρμονική ζωή!

Η διερεύνηση και ο πειραματισμός είναι δύο από τις βασικές μου αρχές που με βοηθούν να βελτιώνω συνεχώς τις υπηρεσίες μου στην ανθρωπότητα.


